Meet Your Farmers

Our daughter was diagnosed with food allergies at a young age. After many hours of research and a nudge from our naturopath, we decided to take the plunge from a vegetarian world into a new and daunting omnivorous one. This step was overwhelming, our daughter had been a vegetarian since birth so this meant some soul searching had to take place. The next few months were a whirlwind of new terms; grass fed, hormone free, cage free, pastured, what did it all mean for us, for the animals, and for the planet? We felt lost and quickly realized that if we were going to thrive in both body and soul in this new world we had to start from the beginning and raise our own meat. So here we are, finally at home in the Willamette Valley, overlooking a small pasture brimming with possibilities. Each year we fall in love with every batch of chicks we pick up, our pigs all have names before they step foot on the farm, our small cattle herd carefully chosen and tended, and our turkeys receive first class choir practice with our daughter, the conductor. This is how we navigate a meat eating world, with compassion and respect for every animal in our care. We are blessed to have the opportunity to raise animals in this beautiful state we call home. 


Jessie- Runs day to day operations on the farm and gets antsy if she's on the computer too long. She is often described as wearing her heart on her sleeve and falls easily in love with every animal on the farm. Without a farming background she leads with her heart in all decisions on the farm and in life. 

David- Works part time off farm and then comes home to work full time ON farm. Thank goodness he never runs out of energy, compassion, and logic because we sure depend on his steadfastness in all three! 

Em- Took to farming easily, seeing a clear picture of life and death from the moment we started. Em has a strong sense of business operations and is often dreaming up new farming enterprises. There is no doubt she will move mountains, we are honored to walk along beside her on this adventure!